Which sea is Marmaris on?

Which sea is Marmaris on?

A frequently asked question is: “where is the beginning and the end of the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea?” The answer is: in Marmaris! Marmaris divides the Mediterranean area and the Aegean Sea through a narrow and long peninsula. If the question is which…

Book Excursions from the Hotels Outside Of Marmaris

Book Excursions from the Hotels Outside Of Marmaris

There are couple of hotels at out side of Marmaris that we have also pickup service. With a small extra payment for each adult in the group you can still join our excursions from Marmaris. If you are staying in one of these hotels,…

Marmaris & Covid-19

Marmaris & Covid-19

The recent outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 has put many countries into the spotlight. Turkey as a central hub for regional and international flights and as a country that receives millions of tourists every year is unfortunately being affected by the new virus. Among the…